Інститут кібернетики імені В.М.Глушкова
Національної академії наук України 

оптимізації керованих процесів

Vyshenskyj Viktor Ivanovych scientific researcher, candidate of tech. sci.

. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1978

  1. Candidate thesis, special subject , 05.13.01. – Technical Cybernetics, 1982
  2. Scientific interests–mathematical theory of control and its applications
  3. Number of published papers – 19
  4. Rating in scientific metric bases



а) number of papers taken into account – 3

b) number of references –2

c) h–index – 1


Google Scholar:

а) number of papers taken into account – 4

б) number of references – 2

в) h-index – 1

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Institute of Cybernetics named after VM Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Cybernetics named after VM Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine