Historically, the department was created on the basis of the group of members of the “Department of Numerical Methods of Optimization” (head of the dept. academician of NASU Pshenychnyi Borys Mykolayovych.). The theory of differential games was a unified direction of scientific activity of this group, the implementations concerned special subject-matter (cosmos, aviation, navy). Later on, the laboratory “Conflict-Controlled Processes” was organized (1988, head – A.A. Chikrii, doctor of phys.-math. sci.), which formed a basis for the department “Optimization of Controlled Processes” (1990). Now the department is a centre of mathematical studies of controlled processes, well known in Ukraine and abroad.
Pshenychnyi Borys Mykolayovych

By objective reason, in 2015 the dept. “Modeling of information-functional systems” (head doctor of phys.-math. sci., professor Onopchuk Yurij Mykolayovych.),which carried on investigation of the human body, functioning in extreme conditions (highland, undersea) and modeling the sport single combat, entered the department.
In such a manner, area of investigations concerning applications of the mathematical theory of control and the theory of dynamic games, conducted in the department, is essentially extended. Now it includes not only conflict situations in the military sphere but also completely peaceful processes, always featuring certain conflict of interests.
The department includes 21 employees, among them are 2 doctors and 11 candidates of sciences.
А.O. Chikrii , academician of NAS of Ukraine

ПІБ | Посада, наук. ступінь, звання | Контакти |
Chikrii Arkadij Olexijovych | Head of the dept. doctor of phys.-math. sci. professor Academician NАSU | (044) 526-21-58 (044) 526-51-58 chik@insyg.kiev.ua |
Petrik Olena Semenivna | Sci. res. Deputy head. of the dept. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Aralova Natalia Igorivna | Senior sci. res. Candidate of tech. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Belousov Oleksandr Andriyovych | Senior sci. res. Candidate of phys. - math. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Vyshenskyj Viktor Ivanovych | Sci. res. Candidate of tech. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Galchyna Natalya Igorivna | Junior sci. res. Candidate of tech. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Dzhoss Iryna Mykolayivna | Junior sci. res. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Dzyubenko Karen Georgyjovych | Senior sci. res. Candidate of phys.- math. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Kuleshyn Volodymyr Vasilyovych | Senior sci. res. Candidate of tech. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Kornyush Iryna Innokentivna | Junior sci. res. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Kostenko Victor Mykolayovych | Technician of 1 category | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Kryvonos Iryna Yur’jivna | Senior sci. res. Candidate of phys.-math.sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Lyashko Natalya Ivanivna | Sci. res. Candidate of tech. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Matychyn Ivan Ivanovych | Leading sci. res. Doctor of phys.- math. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Mashkin Valerij Josypovych | Senior sci. res. Candidate of tech. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Nadejyna Іryna Leonydivna | Engineer-programmer of 1 category | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Petryk Lyudmyla Vasylivna | Engineer-programmer of 1 category | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Rappoport Josif Simovich | Senior sci. res. Candidate of phys.- math. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Semchyk Natalya Anatoliyivna | Sci. res. Candidate of tech. sci. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Sidorenko Maxim Grigorovych | Junior sci. res. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |
Ternova Kateryna Volodymyrivna | Junior sci. res. | (044) 526 51 58 dept165@insyg.kiev.ua |