The department holds the following scientific seminars
- Nonlinear Analysis and Game Dynamic Problems (supervisor – Academician of NASU Chikrii A.A.), scientific secretary – Belousov A.A., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- Control of Dynamic Processes (jointly with SRI SSAU), supervisors: Academicians of NASU Kuntsevich V.M. and Chikrii A.A., and Corresponding Member of NASU Gubarev V.F.), scientific secretary – Volosov V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences
- International scientific seminar on applied mathematics “Extremal Problems”, Scientific Council: Academicians of NASU Yermol’ev Yu.M. (Austria), KovalenkoI.N., Kuntsevich V.M., Chikrii A.A., and Corresponding Members of NASU Gubarev V.M., Knopov P.S., Kuznetsov N.Yu.
Range of problems:
- Applied nonlinear analysis, set-valued mappings
- Theoretical aspects of continuous optimization, stochastic problems, risks
- Methods of the reliability theory
- Mathematical theory of dynamic process control
- Making decision in conditions of conflict and uncertainty
- Mathematical problems of the system analysis and operation research
Scientific secretary – Rappoport J.S., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences