Інститут кібернетики імені В.М.Глушкова
Національної академії наук України 

оптимізації керованих процесів

Semchyk Tetyana Anatolijyvna scientific researcher, candidate of tech. sci.

  1. National Technical University “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, 1984
  2. Candidate thesis “Mathematical models of hypoxia development during infectious and coronary diseases and their analysis” , 01.05.02. – Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods,  2007 
  3. Scientific interests – development and scientific research of the human organism functional systems
  4. Number of published papers –36
  5. Rating in scientific metric bases



а) number of papers taken into account – 2

b) number of references –3

c) h–index – 1

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Institute of Cybernetics named after VM Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Cybernetics named after VM Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine