Інститут кібернетики імені В.М.Глушкова
Національної академії наук України 

оптимізації керованих процесів

Head of dept. Chikrii Arkadii Olexiyovych, doctor of phys.-math. sciences

After graduation of the Lviv University (faculty of mechanics and mathematics, 1968) Chikrii A.A. has been working at the Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, as engineer, junior scientific researcher, senior scientific researcher, leading scientific researcher, in 1988 he became head of the laboratory and in 1990 – head of the department Optimization of Controlled Processes, created on the basis of the laboratory.

  • Candidate of phys.-math.sci.–1972, doctor of phys.-math.sci.–1979, professor–1987
  • 1980-2000, 2011-2016 – professor of Taras Shevchenko National University
  • From 1998 – professor of National Technical University“Kiev Polytechnic Institute”
  • From 2010 –professor of Yurij Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

He is an author more then  500 scientific publications, among them are  6 monographs and 32 international surveys in the journals and books of author collectives, has more then 200 publications abroad.

Supervisor of defended 35 candidate and 3 doctor thesises.

Grants and merits:

  • Grant of Soros professorISSER SPU 041077 (1994-1996)
  • Academician of Ukrainian Airspace Academy, 1994
  • Corresponding member of International  Academy of Computer Science and Systems, 1995
  • Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine(1997),academician of NAS of Ukraine(2018)
  • State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology(1999)
  • Grant STCU 1746 (2002 – 2004), grant STCU 5240 (2011 – 2013)
  • V.М.Glushkov prize(2003)
  • Russian – Ukrainian grants FFI (2011-2013, МES), (2013-2015, МES),

      (2014-2015, NAS)

Membership in national and international scientific organizations

  • AMS (American Mathematical  Society)
  • ISDG (International Society of Dynamic Games)
  • GAMM (Gesellschaft fϋr Angewandte  Mechanik  und Mathematik)
  • Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group (POP)
  • President of Ukrainian Association of Dynamic Games


Membership in editorial boards of scientific journals

  • Information Technology for Economics and  Management  (Poland, Gliwice), Editor in Chief around Eastern Europe
  • Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, Associate Editor
  • Proceedingsof the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Ekaterinburg branch)
  • Theory of Optimal Solutions, Editor in Chief
  • Cybernetics and Computational Technique

Rating in international scientific metric bases (1.09.2018)

Scopus:              number of titles taken into account – 117

                         number of references                      – 351

                         hindex (Hirsch index)                  – 13

Goоgle Scholar  number of titles taken into account – 300

               number of references                     – 2046

               hindex                                         –19

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Institute of Cybernetics named after VM Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Cybernetics named after VM Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine